It’s fascinating to see how a minor Vedic God like Vishnu was elevated to a supreme God Lord Vishnu! A mere secondary companion of Indra in Rig Veda, Vishnu was adorned with entirely new character to make him a preserver of the universe who incarnates from time to time to eradicate the evil forces and restores the religion!
He is a God who has surpassed his original humble character in the later mythologies! Lord Vishnu was cunningly made a part of the Hindu trinity, with the constant elevations to attain the present position, so much so that he surpassed the positions of the supreme Vedic God’s like Indra, Varuna and Mitra! Originally it was only Lord Shiva who was creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe. How Brahma and Vishnu were added to partake Shiva’s tasks is another story of mythological corruption.
Vaishnavism is a cult that worships Vishnu as a supreme God. His abode is sea-floor where he is in half-sleep on the coil of Shesh Naga (serpent) with his consort Laxmi sitting at his feet humbly.
To know how Vishnu reached to this high status, let’s have a brief look at his history right from Rigveda to Puranas.
In Rig Veda Vishnu appears as a mere secondary companion, assistant of supreme Vedic God Indra. There are only three and half Sukta’s (Verses) dedicated to him. He also is seen in a form of sunbird and also the sun that crosses the whole universe in his three steps.
In Rig Veda there is no mention of his consort Laxmi. His abode also is not mentioned anywhere. “Shri” a Goddess mentioned in a Shri Sukta, a later addition to Rig Veda, is thought to be Laxmi, but the scholars believe Laxmi never was a Vedic Goddess but was assimilated from the Non-Vedic tradition in the later course. "Shri" has nothing to do with Laxmi, as far as Veda's are concerned!
In Rig Veda we can notice that the task of incarnations is originally ascribed to Prajapati, not Vishnu! Mention of three incarnations in Rig Veda, those later on, were attributed to Vishnu, originally were of Prajapati. Lord Prajapati seems to have completely vanished from the Vedic tradition as we do not find any mention of Prajapati in the later Vedic literature.
Vishnu's another name is Narayana, but Narayana was a different God or seer. Mahabharata's Narayaniya Upakhyan is very much clear about this. And the name "Narayana" has not any convincing Vedic etymology, hence some scholars believe that he had Dravidian origins. The name “Narayana” cannot be derived from any Sanskrit root but Dravidian. In Mahabharata Krishna clearly tells Arjuna that in the past birth he himself was Narayana, a seer, and Arjuna a “Nar” (Male), his pupil. He doesn’t seem to relate himself with Vishnu anywhere in Mahabharata. Still, people believe Krishna is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, which is unhistorical and contrary to the tradition.
In the days, when Aryan Invasion Theory was popular, the scholars though that Vishnu must have been originally the non-Aryan god who was later assimilated in Vedic pantheon. This thought appeared because Vishnu has bluish complexion, whereas Aryans were white with blue eyes and golden hair. But this idea now sounds rubbish in absence of any proof of the Aryan invasion. Even the very concept of the Aryan race has been now debunked by the anthropologists.
In Satvata (Clan of Krishna) originated a cult that was famous and widely in vogue until second century BC, known as “Pancharatra” that worships five elements like Vasudeva, Pradhumna, Sankarshana, Balarama and Aniruddha. This cult was non-Vedic and devotional in nature, and here too Vishnu finds no mention in Pancharatra philosophy or rituals. This history clearly shows that the Krishna never belonged to the Vedic tradition though he too clearly seems being hijacked by the later Vedic tradition, declaring him incarnation of Vishnu.
The Pancharatra Cult was famous for centuries, so much so that a Garuda (Eagle) pillar dedicated to Lord Vasudeva was erected by Greek Ambassador Heliodors near Vidisha in first century BC. From the inscription on the pillar, it proves that Vasudeva (of Pancharatra cult) worship was prevalent in those times. Vishnu, as a supreme God was not emerged on the cultural horizon till that period.
We find Vishnu appearing as a supreme God only in Gupta period, the fourth century till sixth century AD. Gupta era is very significant, not just from the point of its being epitome of political power they achieved but from the socio-religious point of view as well. In Gupta era newly developed Sanskrit language started getting eminence over other Prakrit languages. Most of the Puranas and ancient epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata were recomposed and theologically reconstructed in Sanskrit during this period.
Vishnu and Laxmi were joined together to create a new divine couple. Origin of Vaishnavait Laxmi is still unknown though we find another Laxmi in non-Vedic pantheon. The task of the incarnations that was dedicated to Prajapati was now transferred to Vishnu. The Vaishnav cult borrowed “devotion” (Bhakti) from Pancharatra cult. They borrowed idol worship from Shaivait religion, which in fact was anti-Vedic practice. Idol worship was never a part of Vedic tradition, rather it is prohibited.
The fact should be understood that prior to Gupta period, not on a single coin or inscription neither God Vishnu nor his consort Laxmi is mentioned or depicted in any image.
What could be the purpose? Was it a new religious revolution to bring forward a minor Vedic God to be idolized when Vedic tradition doesn’t allow idol worship? The fact is otherwise. The elevation of Vishnu was required to subjugate spread of the Shaivait tradition that had survived through the millenniums. Also because of the spread of the Buddhism Vedic fire sacrificial rituals had become rare. Because of the wave of Buddhism the violence in Vedic fire sacrifices were being attacked. The complexities of the Vedic rituals and huge expenditures and huge time it consumed made it difficult to find patrons.
Vedic people had to find an alternative without losing their own identity. It was obvious that to the masses idol worship was too simple to follow. In Buddhism also Idol worship had entered by then. To have something new for livelihood, that could attract immediate attention and acceptance from the masses, Vedic people had no choice but to adopt to the popular tract. Hence Vishnu was chosen from Veda’s to adorn him entirely new character.
Also, this shift in Vedic religion can be attributed to the Vedic converts who brought in their old traditional Hindu traits. Ghurye suggests after studying copper-plate inscriptions of that time that the rate of conversion to Vedic fold had increased enormously during this era. These new entrants did not abandon their old practices though converted, as it happens with all the converts. However, they needed a new god who can be idolized and worshiped without harming sentiments of the original Vedics. They found all they needed in the obscure god Vishnu, however, his character needed to be highly elevated to stand opposite to Lord Shiva.
To do this all popular ancient cults and heroes been needed to be assimilated in the character of Vishnu! Idea of incarnations, originally belonging to Prajapati came to their rescue. Right from Rama to Krishna (later on even Lord Buddha), almost all originally Non-Vedic Hindu personalities of the ancient past, were gradually consolidated with Vishnu as his incarnations. This was in a way cultural hijacking but not new to the Vedic religious character.
Lord Shiva worship was main hurdle in the way of Vedic people. To divert people from Shiva to Vishnu was not an easy task. Many Shaivait shrines like Pandharpur and Tirupati also were gradually hijacked with the help of the rulers to convert them to Vaishnavait shrines. New myths needed to be created to justify such transformation and it was done in the course of the time. This could be done only because of the new converts, who originally were the part of that ancient tradition.
The Vaishnavait Bhakti (Devotion) cult thus was originated and began spreading from north to south. Main reason for the decline of Buddhism in India can be attributed to the rise of Vishnu. Most of the hero’s of the past were preached being incarnations of Vishnu, thus making Vishnu even popular. Vishnu offered what people needed. Many of non-Vedic God’s this or that way were associated with Vishnu through new fictitious, freshly composed myths. Though actual Vishnu shrines are very few in India, only because such assimilations, a picture got created that the Vaishnavait cult was popular in India.
Thus Vishnu was made a supreme God for the Vedic’s while Shiva too remained highly revered God for the non-Vedic people. The tussle between Shaivaits and Vaishnavaits has seen bloodbath, deceit and hateful propagandas in the past. The devout converts to the Vedicism, to retain their supremacy used almost every tool, but could not much succeed except for polluting the traditions and dividing the people in two sects.
Vishnu was gradually elevated and adjusted in the concept of the trinity; Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh…creator, preserver and destroyer… It is speculated that Brahma originally belonged to the Yaksa tradition of Gangetic plains. In Upanishads too, the term Yaksa is used as a synonym to Brahma. There is no God Brahma in Vedic tradition though the word Brahma is used several times to denote chant, not god. It only is in Yaksa tradition that the concept of a miraculous, wondrous and omnipotent lord creator is used. Still, it is a concept and that is not treated as god. In many tribal mythologies god Brahma is considered to be their creator. The Upanisadas use the term Brahma, equivalent to Yaksa, as a basic principle responsible for creation. This tradition has no relation whatsoever with the Vedic religion, hence treating many Upanishads being Vedic is erroneous as they does not show any link between Vedic doctrine and the philosophy of Upanishads.
The fact that appears from the mythologies, Shiva was only God responsible for creation, preservation and destruction. The concept of the Brahma was completely philosophical to carry intellectual debate on creation. But in an order to demean Shiva, to pose him in destroyer form, to elevate Vishnu, what term would suit other than preserver to Vishnu? Thus modifications were made through the Purana’s to establish the rule of the Vishnu thus creating a wider rift between Indian societies. The attempt, if we look back at the religious history of India, has been too successful!
Why Vishnu was chosen over other supreme Vedic Gods like Indra or Varuna? The characteristics of Indra and Varuna or other supreme Vedic God could not be used as they were already known to the masses. All religious texts, including Buddhist or Jainist, are loaded with their mention. They had turned already very minor Gods in the eyes of the people. Providing them a new look, a new character would be highly impossible. Hence an obscure God was needed to be chosen, polished, and glorified with newly invented myths while associating him with the popular heroes of the past. Meticulously this was done in Gupta era, who had provided patronage to them. In this era, the banking rights of the traditional occupational guilds were transferred to the Vaishnavait shrines thus breaking the backbone of the professions and occupations.
In the later era, after tenth century AD, when the conflict between two religions, Vedic and Non-Vedic, reached to the violent levels, the unification of Vishnu and Shiva was proposed by many saints. It succeeded to some extent, though the religious differences never could be bridged. The philosophy of both the religions has distinctly been different. Vishnu shrines are rare in India whereas Shaivism maintains its supremacy with millions of Shiva and his consort’s shrines.
However, Vishnu has been proved as the rescuer of Vedic people, if not for the rest of the masses!
He is a God who has surpassed his original humble character in the later mythologies! Lord Vishnu was cunningly made a part of the Hindu trinity, with the constant elevations to attain the present position, so much so that he surpassed the positions of the supreme Vedic God’s like Indra, Varuna and Mitra! Originally it was only Lord Shiva who was creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe. How Brahma and Vishnu were added to partake Shiva’s tasks is another story of mythological corruption.
Vaishnavism is a cult that worships Vishnu as a supreme God. His abode is sea-floor where he is in half-sleep on the coil of Shesh Naga (serpent) with his consort Laxmi sitting at his feet humbly.
To know how Vishnu reached to this high status, let’s have a brief look at his history right from Rigveda to Puranas.
In Rig Veda Vishnu appears as a mere secondary companion, assistant of supreme Vedic God Indra. There are only three and half Sukta’s (Verses) dedicated to him. He also is seen in a form of sunbird and also the sun that crosses the whole universe in his three steps.
In Rig Veda there is no mention of his consort Laxmi. His abode also is not mentioned anywhere. “Shri” a Goddess mentioned in a Shri Sukta, a later addition to Rig Veda, is thought to be Laxmi, but the scholars believe Laxmi never was a Vedic Goddess but was assimilated from the Non-Vedic tradition in the later course. "Shri" has nothing to do with Laxmi, as far as Veda's are concerned!
In Rig Veda we can notice that the task of incarnations is originally ascribed to Prajapati, not Vishnu! Mention of three incarnations in Rig Veda, those later on, were attributed to Vishnu, originally were of Prajapati. Lord Prajapati seems to have completely vanished from the Vedic tradition as we do not find any mention of Prajapati in the later Vedic literature.
Vishnu's another name is Narayana, but Narayana was a different God or seer. Mahabharata's Narayaniya Upakhyan is very much clear about this. And the name "Narayana" has not any convincing Vedic etymology, hence some scholars believe that he had Dravidian origins. The name “Narayana” cannot be derived from any Sanskrit root but Dravidian. In Mahabharata Krishna clearly tells Arjuna that in the past birth he himself was Narayana, a seer, and Arjuna a “Nar” (Male), his pupil. He doesn’t seem to relate himself with Vishnu anywhere in Mahabharata. Still, people believe Krishna is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, which is unhistorical and contrary to the tradition.
In the days, when Aryan Invasion Theory was popular, the scholars though that Vishnu must have been originally the non-Aryan god who was later assimilated in Vedic pantheon. This thought appeared because Vishnu has bluish complexion, whereas Aryans were white with blue eyes and golden hair. But this idea now sounds rubbish in absence of any proof of the Aryan invasion. Even the very concept of the Aryan race has been now debunked by the anthropologists.
In Satvata (Clan of Krishna) originated a cult that was famous and widely in vogue until second century BC, known as “Pancharatra” that worships five elements like Vasudeva, Pradhumna, Sankarshana, Balarama and Aniruddha. This cult was non-Vedic and devotional in nature, and here too Vishnu finds no mention in Pancharatra philosophy or rituals. This history clearly shows that the Krishna never belonged to the Vedic tradition though he too clearly seems being hijacked by the later Vedic tradition, declaring him incarnation of Vishnu.
The Pancharatra Cult was famous for centuries, so much so that a Garuda (Eagle) pillar dedicated to Lord Vasudeva was erected by Greek Ambassador Heliodors near Vidisha in first century BC. From the inscription on the pillar, it proves that Vasudeva (of Pancharatra cult) worship was prevalent in those times. Vishnu, as a supreme God was not emerged on the cultural horizon till that period.
We find Vishnu appearing as a supreme God only in Gupta period, the fourth century till sixth century AD. Gupta era is very significant, not just from the point of its being epitome of political power they achieved but from the socio-religious point of view as well. In Gupta era newly developed Sanskrit language started getting eminence over other Prakrit languages. Most of the Puranas and ancient epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata were recomposed and theologically reconstructed in Sanskrit during this period.
Vishnu and Laxmi were joined together to create a new divine couple. Origin of Vaishnavait Laxmi is still unknown though we find another Laxmi in non-Vedic pantheon. The task of the incarnations that was dedicated to Prajapati was now transferred to Vishnu. The Vaishnav cult borrowed “devotion” (Bhakti) from Pancharatra cult. They borrowed idol worship from Shaivait religion, which in fact was anti-Vedic practice. Idol worship was never a part of Vedic tradition, rather it is prohibited.
The fact should be understood that prior to Gupta period, not on a single coin or inscription neither God Vishnu nor his consort Laxmi is mentioned or depicted in any image.
What could be the purpose? Was it a new religious revolution to bring forward a minor Vedic God to be idolized when Vedic tradition doesn’t allow idol worship? The fact is otherwise. The elevation of Vishnu was required to subjugate spread of the Shaivait tradition that had survived through the millenniums. Also because of the spread of the Buddhism Vedic fire sacrificial rituals had become rare. Because of the wave of Buddhism the violence in Vedic fire sacrifices were being attacked. The complexities of the Vedic rituals and huge expenditures and huge time it consumed made it difficult to find patrons.
Vedic people had to find an alternative without losing their own identity. It was obvious that to the masses idol worship was too simple to follow. In Buddhism also Idol worship had entered by then. To have something new for livelihood, that could attract immediate attention and acceptance from the masses, Vedic people had no choice but to adopt to the popular tract. Hence Vishnu was chosen from Veda’s to adorn him entirely new character.
Also, this shift in Vedic religion can be attributed to the Vedic converts who brought in their old traditional Hindu traits. Ghurye suggests after studying copper-plate inscriptions of that time that the rate of conversion to Vedic fold had increased enormously during this era. These new entrants did not abandon their old practices though converted, as it happens with all the converts. However, they needed a new god who can be idolized and worshiped without harming sentiments of the original Vedics. They found all they needed in the obscure god Vishnu, however, his character needed to be highly elevated to stand opposite to Lord Shiva.
To do this all popular ancient cults and heroes been needed to be assimilated in the character of Vishnu! Idea of incarnations, originally belonging to Prajapati came to their rescue. Right from Rama to Krishna (later on even Lord Buddha), almost all originally Non-Vedic Hindu personalities of the ancient past, were gradually consolidated with Vishnu as his incarnations. This was in a way cultural hijacking but not new to the Vedic religious character.
Lord Shiva worship was main hurdle in the way of Vedic people. To divert people from Shiva to Vishnu was not an easy task. Many Shaivait shrines like Pandharpur and Tirupati also were gradually hijacked with the help of the rulers to convert them to Vaishnavait shrines. New myths needed to be created to justify such transformation and it was done in the course of the time. This could be done only because of the new converts, who originally were the part of that ancient tradition.
The Vaishnavait Bhakti (Devotion) cult thus was originated and began spreading from north to south. Main reason for the decline of Buddhism in India can be attributed to the rise of Vishnu. Most of the hero’s of the past were preached being incarnations of Vishnu, thus making Vishnu even popular. Vishnu offered what people needed. Many of non-Vedic God’s this or that way were associated with Vishnu through new fictitious, freshly composed myths. Though actual Vishnu shrines are very few in India, only because such assimilations, a picture got created that the Vaishnavait cult was popular in India.
Thus Vishnu was made a supreme God for the Vedic’s while Shiva too remained highly revered God for the non-Vedic people. The tussle between Shaivaits and Vaishnavaits has seen bloodbath, deceit and hateful propagandas in the past. The devout converts to the Vedicism, to retain their supremacy used almost every tool, but could not much succeed except for polluting the traditions and dividing the people in two sects.
Vishnu was gradually elevated and adjusted in the concept of the trinity; Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh…creator, preserver and destroyer… It is speculated that Brahma originally belonged to the Yaksa tradition of Gangetic plains. In Upanishads too, the term Yaksa is used as a synonym to Brahma. There is no God Brahma in Vedic tradition though the word Brahma is used several times to denote chant, not god. It only is in Yaksa tradition that the concept of a miraculous, wondrous and omnipotent lord creator is used. Still, it is a concept and that is not treated as god. In many tribal mythologies god Brahma is considered to be their creator. The Upanisadas use the term Brahma, equivalent to Yaksa, as a basic principle responsible for creation. This tradition has no relation whatsoever with the Vedic religion, hence treating many Upanishads being Vedic is erroneous as they does not show any link between Vedic doctrine and the philosophy of Upanishads.
The fact that appears from the mythologies, Shiva was only God responsible for creation, preservation and destruction. The concept of the Brahma was completely philosophical to carry intellectual debate on creation. But in an order to demean Shiva, to pose him in destroyer form, to elevate Vishnu, what term would suit other than preserver to Vishnu? Thus modifications were made through the Purana’s to establish the rule of the Vishnu thus creating a wider rift between Indian societies. The attempt, if we look back at the religious history of India, has been too successful!
Why Vishnu was chosen over other supreme Vedic Gods like Indra or Varuna? The characteristics of Indra and Varuna or other supreme Vedic God could not be used as they were already known to the masses. All religious texts, including Buddhist or Jainist, are loaded with their mention. They had turned already very minor Gods in the eyes of the people. Providing them a new look, a new character would be highly impossible. Hence an obscure God was needed to be chosen, polished, and glorified with newly invented myths while associating him with the popular heroes of the past. Meticulously this was done in Gupta era, who had provided patronage to them. In this era, the banking rights of the traditional occupational guilds were transferred to the Vaishnavait shrines thus breaking the backbone of the professions and occupations.
In the later era, after tenth century AD, when the conflict between two religions, Vedic and Non-Vedic, reached to the violent levels, the unification of Vishnu and Shiva was proposed by many saints. It succeeded to some extent, though the religious differences never could be bridged. The philosophy of both the religions has distinctly been different. Vishnu shrines are rare in India whereas Shaivism maintains its supremacy with millions of Shiva and his consort’s shrines.
However, Vishnu has been proved as the rescuer of Vedic people, if not for the rest of the masses!
Look was superb... thanks to admin for precious article... provide hanuman chalisa too
ReplyDelete(Om shri hari vishnu) this is very simple and weal mantra of bhagwan vishnu.
ReplyDeleteVishnu is mentioned 93 times in the Rigveda. He Hymn 7.100 refers to the celebrated 'three steps' of Vishnu by which he strode over the universe and in three places planted his step. The 'Vishnu Sukta' (RV 1.154) says that the first and second of Vishnu's strides (those encompassing the earth and air) are visible to men and the third is in the heights of heaven (sky). This last place is described as Vishnu's supreme abode in RV 1.22.20:
In hymns 1.22.17, 1.154.3, 1.154.4 he strides across the earth with three steps, in 6.49.13, 7.100.3 strides across the earth three times and in 1.154.1, 1.155.5,7.29.7 he strides vertically, with the final step in the heavens. The same Veda also says he strode wide and created space in the cosmos for Indra to fight Vritra. By his stride he made dwelling for men possible, the three forming a symbolic representation of the dwelling's all-encompassing nature. This nature and benevolence to men were Vishnu's enduring attributes. As the triple-strider he is known as Tri-vikrama and as Uru-krama, for the strides were wide.
DeleteVishnu is indeed the supreme god.
ReplyDeleteMr. Sanjay Sonawani, please either prove your points or refrain from writing and posting gibberish information online to mislead people.
ReplyDeleteIf you aren't a well-versed individual, it is likely not possible for you to understand the depth and intricacies of all the scriptures.
And let's not even talk about references from Upanishads. If you knew anything about it, you should have already known the fact that they are manipulated and that's why not many read them.
The only authentic scriptures are Vedas. You may want to first read and understand them correctly in their true essence.
Again, that's not going to be an easy task if Sanskrit is not your language. Looking for translations is only going to be a never-ending journey of misinterpretations!
A good Brahmin who studies to become an Acharya is required to study at various hermitages and under several Gurus (each of different level and expertise) for over 10 years in order to earn the degree of Acharya.
That's when they get qualified to read all the Vedas, Manusmritis, etc. as well as to perform every Puja in a perfectly ritualistic manner as described in the scriptures. After passing multiple exams, they are awarded with the Acharya degree.
However, there are also "ponga pandits" (unqualified Brahmins) who are more readily available and will do anything for money. This is the difference between a learned Brahmin or a sage and an unlearned one.
Hence, it is only important that we choose the right source of knowledge.
For your information, let me clarify that "Upendra" does not mean "sub-Indra." This is a misinterpretation by Westerners of Dev Bhasha, (the God's language or the language of the divine), Sanskrit. According to them, we also have 33 crore deities because of the mention of "33 koti Devi Devta" in our scriptures, which is completely inaccurate.
The word "koti" in Sanskrit has more than one meaning. Here it refers to "33 types of Devi Devtas." Please go and check this.
That's why one shouldn't approach holy scriptures without possessing the required knowledge.
It is important to first know both the similarity and difference between Lord Vishnu and Shiva, as well as their roles in the universe.
Lord Vishnu is the "Ultimate Truth." There is nothing above Him or beyond Him. However, I won't waste my time explaining these profound truths if you are interested in adhering to Western interpretations. So, please continue down that path, if you wish to, but don't spread it to others.
Those who know the truth will laugh at you, and those who believe in your misguided notions will always wander in darkness!
Lord Vishnu is the ultimate destination for every soul. The universe and all other multiverses are within His control. He is the "One and Only" with "many manifestations."
Last but not least, with Ego one can never reach the Godhead. However, if you truly wish to understand the love and power of God, you must embark on a journey inward. However, this requires a true Guru.
Now that being said, one can still receive the grace of God and reach Him with unconditional bhakti (devotion), like Meerabai, Saint Tukaram, and many others or one can even tap into the Universal Knowledge and Universal Intelligence with His grace like Rishi Valmiki.
All said and done. Each one's karma remains with them. I only wish you light and may God graces you with true guidance 🙏
Thank you Mr. Sanjay Sonawani. This article shows how cunning and immoral Vedic Brahmin priests have been misleading masses by untruths.
ReplyDeleteWhat a joke 🤣