The mind has physical existence. The mind is related to the brain as the brain is the center of the nervous system. The human brain is a very complex system which remains as yet to be understood completely. It is assumed that there are about 86 billion neurons, each connected with ten thousand others. Any physical alteration to the brain causes an impact on the mind, no matter whether injury or drugs. Human intelligence is connected with the evolution of the human brain over the time.
One can say the mind is an abstract product of the brain. The brain functioning, though complicated, is mostly based on the bio-electric signals. Rather, the functioning of neurons depends on bio-electricity generated in the body. The mind is overall functioning of the overall excited cells in the brain that fluctuates with several inner and outer reasons, thus changing the expressions, moods, cognition etc. in varying degree depending on the levels of the fluctuations. It is now proven that human body creates electromagnetic fields as well and also responds to external electromagnetic fields. This includes neurons and muscle cells. With magnetic fields, many behavioral effects of different intensities have been reported. For example, a pulsed magnetic field originally designed for spectroscopic MRI was found to alleviate symptoms in bipolar patients while another MRI pulse had no effect. A whole-body exposure to a pulsed magnetic field was found to alter the standing balance and pain perception in other studies. From this, we can surmise that the human brain (Mind) responds to the electromagnetic pulses as the brain too is a generator of such signals of different intensities.
It has been observed that sudden changes in geomagnetism too, such as geomagnetic storms, heavily impact on the minds of the people. It is not that all cells or neurons in the brain excited all the time. There are many centers in the brain those alternatively get activated with need and in response to the outer world, geomagnetism is one.
We clearly find that the geomagnetism varies from region to region and essentially it varies with the geological structural variations of the earth's crust. We are aware of the fact that birds use geomagnetism for navigation. Human too is responsive to the geomagnetism that somehow modifies the inherent psychological characteristics, because it affects the brain. The varying degree of the intensity of the geomagnetism from region to region is another factor that shapes regional psychologies those naturally reflects in the language and overall culture.
We clearly find that the geomagnetism varies from region to region and essentially it varies with the geological structural variations of the earth's crust. We are aware of the fact that birds use geomagnetism for navigation. Human too is responsive to the geomagnetism that somehow modifies the inherent psychological characteristics, because it affects the brain. The varying degree of the intensity of the geomagnetism from region to region is another factor that shapes regional psychologies those naturally reflects in the language and overall culture.
Human psychology is closely associated with brain and so the mind. The brain has a physical existence that is made of biological cells of the variety of combinations. It has chemistry, also called as neurochemistry, that helps the overall functioning of the brain, such as generating movement, speaking, thinking, listening, regulating the systems of the body, and countless others. Chemical changes in the brain, intentionally caused or otherwise, impacts feelings and emotions. The overall thinking pattern of the human being is entirely dependent on the biochemical activity of the brain. In the ordinary course, when there is no sudden change in the overall chemistry of the brain, the psychology of the person remains normal.
However, when we say ‘normal psychological condition’, we just want to explain, a psychology that is not disturbing the state of individual's mind in question and others. Till the person exhibits accepted norms of the psychology, in thinking and behavior, as similar as others living in his society, the person is considered to be normal, though he may or may not have special qualities. But the general psychology of a Mexican and American cannot be the same. Psychology of the Arab and Indian also cannot be the same. In India alone, geographically connected regions, say like Maharashtra and Gujarat, people have different general psychologies. Rather we can see general psychology or the way of thinking of the people changes with the region to region that reflects in their culture. However, before going deep into this issue, we shall focus on the brain.
The brain is a physical entity, as I have already mentioned. The mind is the product of it and so the individual psychology. No brain, if minutely analyzed, is identical with other in chemical composition and so the mind and psychology also are not identical. It is the brain that gives a sense of individuality. Besides genetics, individual brains overall chemical composition is unique. The slightest change in the composition can make a transformation in individual psychology. Sometimes it is done with drugs or extra intake of minerals or vitamins.
Barring few, humans cannot consume minerals directly. They are mostly in compound form and in traces. Most of the minerals he gets from his diet. The food that he uses as his diet is produced from some land. The mineral composition of the diet depends mostly in which land it is produced. The water he drinks too consists of natural minerals and its composition too will depend on through which kind of rocks it has flowed and was gathered.
We are well aware that water of some wells is not considered to be potable for its being hard and of odd taste whereas some well carries potable water. And taste of well water will change with well to well and village to village…it is not because there is problem with water but the amount of the minerals diluted in the water and through which kind of rock-veins the water has been flown into the well. Water will taste according to the diluted minerals and its density. It may remain potable or not. The people drinking the water of certain mineral composition from the wells for generations can shape up their overall chemistry and hence the mindset. The minerals diluted in the water would be in very small, traceable or not, but their certain physical chemistry will slightly change than of the people those drink water a from the different wells having different chemical composition. We have observed that the psychological characteristics of the people residing in neighboring villages sometimes differ drastically. The reasons mainly are rooted in varied geographical structure with a different set of the chemistry.
In the cosmopolitan era, we have forgotten many things. But if we probe it will dawn on us that the food grains of a certain kind and produced in certain regions had different tastes. Brinjals grown around Krishna River and chilly of Kolhapur had distinct taste and flavor. What brings that? Certainly the mineral distribution in the lands where they are grown! The crop consumes the minerals spread in the soil and gives the distinct flavor. We find certain flora and fauna in particular region and in adjoining regions we don't. We find some people living in certain regions are lazy and in other very active, though climatic conditions are same!
But just imagine the era, not far back…just a few decades ago…the people living in the certain regions used to consume the food grown in the same lands and drank water that had a similar mineral composition for ages.
What would be the effect?
The overall body and thus brain will essentially contain the chemical composition that was in their regular diet. The people living in certain regions rich with some minerals in the soil and devoid of some show certain genetic diseases. Many diseases occur because of lack of some or other mineral or excess of some minerals. In the body (and brain) minerals are in compound form. A chemical imbalance can cause the psychological stresses, depressions anxieties etc. These ailments are treated with supplementary minerals and vitamins. The mineral imbalance in the body reflects in the behavior of the person. The natural input from the diet from a particular region and the habitat of the person in the same region would naturally shape up the mind in such a way that to him it will not ever occur that he has some problems or qualities that are the product of the land he has been residing in for ages.
Human genetics too is affected by regional geological differences. The regional genetic marks those are so far detected also are a proof to make our statement true. Otherwise how the scientists could define the regional genes or origin of the genetic influx?
Human genetics too is affected by regional geological differences. The regional genetic marks those are so far detected also are a proof to make our statement true. Otherwise how the scientists could define the regional genes or origin of the genetic influx?
Human being is thus, though separate from land, still he always is rooted with the land he lives in.
The overall chemical composition, though differing slightly from person to person, will remain identical in a broader sense in every human being in the certain region over the time. His genetic structure too will be impacted by the land he lives in. Geomagnetism also is another factor that heavily influences the human mind which also varies from geological region to region.
And so will be impacted his general psychology, his way to look at the outer world and the way he expresses will be somewhat identical that makes his culture and language.
We will see in the next chapters, in details, after all it is land which determines the general psychology and language he speaks!
R1* , R1a and subclades are the most expansively distributed Y DNA haplogroup on earth and it has traveled quite some distance, especially over the last 12000 years.Is this a remnant of an evolutionary mechanism of magnetic orientation in early primates and homonids that was retained and in some way contributed to early man's wander lust.