Liberty forms a core
principle of our life. Lot many philosophies has been dealt with liberty from
political and philosophical perspective. Liberation of the soul from the cycle
of birth and death to attain ultimate emancipation has been considered to be
the utmost goal of human being in Indian religious texts. Let philosophies
speak of liberty but the real personal and social life in all millenniums has
been constrained by socio-political and religious bondages, thus making human
being a slave, no matter whether it is religious slavery or political. It
doesn’t end here, slavery also many a times is self imposed because from
childhood person is taught to be in certain constraints thus making him a slave
of himself.
Like religions, politics too
is a huge tool to enslave the citizens. When we say India is now a free
country, since it attained freedom from British rule, in fact we talk about not
true freedom of the citizens but passing of burden of slavery from one to other
governance. Yoke has changed but the liberty still remains a distant dream. No
matter even if they are elected by us, by our choice, though they are our
people, but the rulers all the time have been attempting to restrict human
freedom with deploying all possible regulations. There always is undue
interference of the government in public and private life. Such undue
interference, restrictions not only suppresses our freedom but gives way to
tendency to act against law, corruption and immoral/illegal practices. The
cause of our basic problem is the government interference that challenges the
basic principles of our liberty.
Indian democracy has become
democracy of feudal lords. No matter from what strata of the society one comes
to the power, soon he starts behaving like a feudal lord and ensures his
bloodline be the next leaders. In Maharashtra alone there are almost 175
political families those control state government, no matter, conveniently, in
which party they are. Such mentality naturally goes against liberty. They want
to keep control over others over generations thus restricting others entry in
politics and so the freedom of individuals to compete. A constitution becomes a
feudal state, in a way, where political voice of others is often suppressed.
The basics of equal
opportunity are thus violated. There is a reason why this happens. We have
political democracy. There is not at all any existence of social democracy. Political
democracy gradually has become feudal democracy because they have used power
for gathering huge illegal assets. You have right to vote but no matter
whatever political talent you have you just cannot contest an election if you
are not loaded with money. Anna Hajare very recently had said that he cannot
contest election because he has not that much money!
So elections have become a
pity show of democracy where hoodlums or only corrupt people can participate
the democratic electoral process! Hence our democracy too has become the
democracy of corrupt people. And citizens too are to blame because they
frequently sale out their vote, pay bribes to get their work done, no matter
how illegal or legal it is! That way our liberty always is on sale! Still we
boast of liberty without ever enjoying the fruits of it! What use of such
So there are forces, created
by us together, those have been acting relentlessly to destroy liberty of us
all, making us mere prey to them for our insatiable greed and our apathy
towards our freedom, then who is to blame? Our choices have become limited. And
we are not bothered at all about it. But we forget if our nation still remains
backward it is because we have again lost our freedom, though to some extent
our constitution guarantees it! Our zeal for progress, live better life without
any hindrance is almost weakened and hence young talent rushes elsewhere to
accomplish their dreams!
Our laws, no matter whether
revenue, civil or criminal, are not in favor of believing in the citizens but
rather look upon them as if they are potential law breakers. This mere fact has
given rise to the huge corruption. People are helpless because to fight against
such corrupt system they have very limited, time consuming and expensive
options. And again there is no guarantee they too will not turn to be corrupt.
Every government employee too
has become part of feudal system in which common citizen is tortured by the
system. Judiciary, as far corruption and malpractices in justice goes, is no exception
to these facts. This evil has been tricked down in even private segment.
There can be many examples how our life is
encroached by the system, sometimes so brutally that most of the mute,
underprivileged communities have been suffering from generations after
generations to whom fruits of the national economy and freedom yet have not
reached. Rather they know not even that they live in a free country. They
mutely have accepted their destiny. None is bothered of their freedom when they
themselves are drowned in their own illusory freedom.
This is a psychology of We
the Indians. We have been trapped in a vicious cycle. We voluntarily have accepted these
brutal facts of the system we have fallen in, as if part of our routine life.
But then we have lost our
liberty. We have become slave. We have no more right to talk against corruption
and social injustice and malfunctioning of government machinery. You are aware very recently I had fought for
“Right to privacy”. Since last many years bill has been stalled and when
another modified draft was tabled it was seen many provisions rather were incorporated
against the right to privacy! They blatantly think of Adhar Card, making it
compulsory, without guaranteeing your personal information will be maintained
as a secret and private and will not be misused. They blatantly said that there
is no right to privacy in constitution. It was an assumed right, interpreted
conveniently by the HC’s and SC. It is not, per arguments, the fundamental
right because it is not clearly mentioned in the constitution. This is a major
fraud against your and my liberty. In a way it denies liberty of the citizens
of their right to privacy.
Except few, like me, no one
raised a voice against this draconian interpretations and the bill it
necessitated. No government has seen bothered enough about it! Doesn’t it in a
way mean that we are not bothered of our liberty to keep our personal data
private and be not disclosed at all without your prior permission? There are
many examples those can be cited here as to how we have lost our freedom! Our
life is interfered at every step as we walk in our life! Our personal decision
making too thus has been restricted.
Are we afraid of liberty? Are
we so dumb that we fail to understand value of liberty? Then it is but obvious
that we shall live life in self invited bondage. Meaning of liberty is minimal
interference of government in personal and social and economic life of the people.
Liberty means, as well, lesser dependence on government. Liberty means right to
privacy. Liberty means lessening the laws with time.
But we find here every year
there are new laws enforced upon us. The new laws make you happy in the
beginning, making you think that the crime rate will go down. But what is the actual
effect? Did any crime category show decline? The crime is closely related with
the system we live in. Have we ever attempted to make our system right? Or do
we know what system is right? Mind well, every new law opens another door to add
to more corruption, but the concerned crimes never reduce. The government
system doesn’t improve with rules and regulations. Social system does not
improve with the mindless individuals. Demanding more and more laws we keep on
reducing sphere of our own freedom. We need to educate our citizens of what
liberty is. Unless we understand value of it we cannot improve the
circumstances we are living in.
It is old principle that if
fear is put in people’s mind with harsher laws, there will be lesser crimes. This
principle has not proven correct in the past and it will not prove true in the
future as well. The possibility (an in fact reality) always is, instead,
innocents get harassed at the hands of the government machinery than the
criminals. Fear for law, administration and government is the first hindrance
in the way of freedom. We need fearless society. We need not many laws to regulate
ourselves but fewer and necessary laws where freedom of individuals is
protected with help of the people. We don’t want to live in open jail. We need
to bring fundamental changes in our system and psyche so that the true freedom
is enjoyed by the citizens. Fighting side issues will give easy popularity or superficial
satisfaction, but fighting for the core issue, liberty, will make our society
and thus nation great! Because attaining true liberty only is fundamental issue
we shall deal with, without which other troubles cannot be eliminated or fought
We never tried to reach root
cause of each and every problem. Instead we went on bandaging them with
temporary remedies. This way we never can find any real healing to our bleeding
Liberty just is not a
philosophical concept that has been used in politics in modified way. Liberty
is a practical concept that makes human being a human. Liberation of soul from
the bondage of birth-death cycles is not an aim of liberty but making
individuals free from bondage of even government is the aim!
I will keep on writing on
fundamental issues concerning us all in light of the liberty those we have
forgotten at all… I will show how every section, every community is in bondage and
because of that how the spirit of being human has been marred!
I remember here the great
lines of Gurudev Ravindranath Tagore. He says in a poem-
Where the mind is without
And the head is held high……..
We all want to make our
nation fearless, so much so that every weak and deprived stands strong with
his/her own voice and free enough to build his own future!
Are we fearless? Just probe
your heart. You will find you are afraid of future, you are afraid of all the
uncertainties those may hinder path of your life…you are afraid of the
circumstances you fall in…and that too because of the system of which you are
part of!
I am not a political person. I
never thought I will ever be part of any party! I am a free thinker. I was
astonished when I came across Mr. Sanjeev Sabhlok, an intellectual at par, and
his friends those think almost alike I were thinking and writing. This is the
party that talks of human liberation and I am with them. I stand strong for the
liberty of We the citizens. I have joined Swarna
Bharat Party (SBP) because the party is dedicated to the cause of liberty!
Hope you all too stand along
with us hand in hand for liberty and the reforms required attaining it!
To know more about SBP goals
please visit
You need not to abide
yourself with all the points those are aimed! If you agree with even a single
goal…or you want anything be added of your own… for the cause of OUR LIBERTY, be
with us! Raise your voice with us!
Be part of human revolution!
(To be contd.)
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