Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Oh come, let us go …

Image result for birds fly morning

My dear 
You keep pouring over 
On some cloud of the earth or other 
Or as often 
Just stay barren … 

But is it really thy Providence? 
For a pregnant cloud does issue 
Only when it has a motherly hue 

So are you a pregnant cloud? 
Not just hopes secured! 
Nor those dodgings merely heard! 

Oh my dear ! 
Just try and keep your steps with me 
For I am teaching nothing 
Oh yes, I’m teaching nothing 

Because no on unto Nature 
Takes up like a tutor or sir 
And He alone who is formless 
Sings to all an eternal solace 

But we are ever so dumb 
Trampling upon the divine crump for our souls too are untaught 
With no seer in the clouds caught 

We are the all lusty morass 
Clouds dense, laden with mass 
And he labour to pour our lives 
In this divine monsoon’s jives 

All fools thus admiring passion 
Seek forever the same salvation … 
Come, let’s get away from mentions 
Forgetting the bygone illusions … 

Come with me … 
Don’t stifle the rain in thee … 

For it doesn’t matter for once 
Even it the hailstorm comes 
May the soul freezing icicles crumble 
In death’s ghastly rumble 
… Never mind that ! 

May be blooms and flower 
Your pouring might spur 
… It doesn’t matter ! 

Just come with me … 
And pour like torrents for once … 

Care not whether it’s love or gore 
Pent up feelings or kindly store 
Just pour, even things insane 
For nothing’s new to Nature’s vein 

Oh feel that you too are on old corn! 
Only new chests to pride adorn! 

Do you or rain’s origins care? 
Whether such-and-such drop 
Is from oceanic vapour atop 
Or same lake’s or river’s dollop? 

Then why do you for ends bother ! 
Hide from rain and skin’s shower ! 

Oh ! come with me … 
I insist, because I’m nobody 
just earthly mist … 

Come, let’s soar high ! 
Becoming clouds thin and dry ! 
Let’s race with this windy fawn … 
Respond to the outcry of this horizon … 

Let’s get away somewhere …. 
And drawn ourselves there … 
To leaves nothing to mortal career 

Oh come, let us go … 
Keep your step with me and go …