Sunday, June 9, 2013

When I see the humble evening...

(Painting by Daniel Well)


Just once ….

I experience of that tender caress

That soft touch !

And for my sake

It seemed as though

the clouds split

the meaning of life

Then I received my summons

From this rich quarters

And the heart started ringing incessantly

With the Monsoon Sonata!


This cloud burst

Is sage-hearted

For those

Who live in god’s righteous light

My heart is streaming out

From this cloud !

I am viewing the subtle rain drop

Upon my tender lips

And in my eyes

And in every other eye

There’s a new monsoon

The whole world seems to have

Become cloud-laden

And rainy today !


Oh my dearest rain princess

Secure yourself in my embrace

Be perfumed by my intense love

Let your little jingling bells clink

upon the silken leaves,

in rains wink...

Let your warmth and affection stream

From the dark corners of your eyes

In this cold and breezy dream

Keep humming in all my parts

Give lips to every breath of mine...!


When I see the humble evening

at the dusk

standing their damp and wet

the shadows of my pensive mind

are cast away

and an ancient songs

Unknowingly trickles from the lips

Nothing makes sense ….

Who am I ? where do I belong ? …

For do whom I exist ?



Let the sky dash down now

Then sing the song of innocent sky

With your delicate lips

O naïve dear !

These moments are meant

For witnessing this celebration

In speechlessness

They are not the birds

To be captured in words!

(From my anthology "Monsoon Sonata" translated by Mr. Raj Supe from \original marathi "Parjanyasukta)


  1. Nice poem!
    Just to correct the copyright of the picture, it is painted by Daniel Well and named Romantic Paris Print. (
